Jardelunder Moor

The over 200 ha large N2000 site “Fröslev-Jardelunder bog” is situated at the German Danish border west of Flensburg. After 10 years of intensive peat cutting and draining, the restoration of the raised bog and surrounding agricultural areas started in the 1990th.

Due to peat extraction numerous water filled peat pits with steep slopes occur at the site. These waters shelter several rare and endangered species of raised bogs and transition mires. Among them, one of very few, reproductive populations of the Great white faced darter in Schleswig-Holstein.


Planned actions

With the SemiAquaticLife-project is foreseen to improve the steep embankments at some peat pits to enable vegetation growth which improves the conditions for the Great white faced darter. Outside the raised bog on grasslands new ponds are planned for garlic toad and moor frog.