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Final Seminar SemiAquaticLife

1-2 december!

Registration, please contact

Programme, Day 1. 9:00 – 15:30

  • Challenges in managing Annex IV species within actual land practice
  • Reintroduction of species as management tool

Day 2.  9:00 – 14:20

  • Conservation of semi-aquatic insects
  • Ecosystem services and conservation of wetlands

Latest from the project! Do please visit our page at facebook for more news!

Students at boardwalk_In the reeds_ Bastemose in Denmark

Students visitng Semiaquatic LIFE 

The Semiaquatic LIFE project area Bastemose on Bornholm was presented for students from Copenhagen University, studying Nature Management. The students originates from 10 different countries and participated actively in discussion about management and conservation of diving beetles and water soliders.

Nygrävd våtmark med grävmaskin och havet i bakgrunden på Ravlunda skjutfält

Digging of wetlands at Ravlunda

The actions at Ravlunda military exercise field are up and running. Listen to a feature on P4 Radio Malmöhus  or read about the actions of Skånska Dagbladet. Note: In Swedish

Feature on Danish local tv

Click here to see a feature about SemiAquaticLife on Danish local TV (note: in Danish)

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